~I'm so happy and thrilled that Tyler FINALLY proposed to me! It was so totally unexpected!!! I'm in love with this boy, and I am NOT going to let ANYONE or ANYTHING change that.
~ How come on one of your most important days (getting engaged), people go crazy. Tyler and I have probably heard the comments, when, where, how long, about 5 billion times, and we can't decide on a day! GRRR
~There are conflicts every where I turn, and I keep getting drug down. BLAH
~Work has finally taken it's toll on me. I'm stressed every day, and I'm back to having to explain to co-workers, that you HAVE to do YOUR job, so I can get MY job done. I don't understand why people get this concept all mixed up and confused. At the Restuarant, we have lists for all shifts that need to be done before going home. Well most people enjoy marking that they did something without actually doing it. Now I'm the main closer, I close 5x a week. When your a closer, and have to do your own list (which by the way has 2x the amount of stuff on it then any other list) plus the lists of your coworkers, you tend not to get stuff done. I've gotten to the point where I don't get half the crap on my list done, because I have to do everyone else's job.
~Speaking of not getting done, my plan soon is to NOT do my job, AT ALL, and see how the opener likes it. However, usually after I close, it is either myself, or the manager that opens, and I don't think she would appreciate that very much. I, however, think it will be amazingly funny.
~I'm extremely excited to start planning and making wedding decisions and choices... it is just a matter of what, and where! AHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm soooo excited! :)
That is all for today, I'm extremely exhausted
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Post Secret Sunday!
Here is my favorite PostSecret this week.

Ok, so I know that I am engaged now (YES I AM, happened yesterday, details will come as soon as we have a date, and a few more details put together!!!) but this was my fear... and still kind of is! I'm not going to lie, I know there is motivation to lose the weight, but I'm scared of other things as well.

Ok, so I know that I am engaged now (YES I AM, happened yesterday, details will come as soon as we have a date, and a few more details put together!!!) but this was my fear... and still kind of is! I'm not going to lie, I know there is motivation to lose the weight, but I'm scared of other things as well.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Well it is Tuesday Again! YAYY!!!
~ I can not wait to see my paycheck! I worked (including tonight, which is the end of the period) 14 of 14 days in my pay period, and 1 week, if not 2 actually are overtime! :)
~my paycheck ALWAYS finds a way to disappear before I even have it in pocket! GRR How frustrating.
~It is time to exercise, and yet I have found another thing to distract me! I will continue to exercise, I will make it a part of my routine, and I will lose the weight!
~Speaking of weightloss, I'm really proud of myself. Since I started working at The Restaurant, I've LOST (NOT GAINED) 15 pounds. It could be better, but all 15 of those, are from just not being lazy. I can't believe it, I'm really excited to get moving on this! :)
~I can't believe that things in my life are turning way to be AMAZING! :)
~ I can not wait to see my paycheck! I worked (including tonight, which is the end of the period) 14 of 14 days in my pay period, and 1 week, if not 2 actually are overtime! :)
~my paycheck ALWAYS finds a way to disappear before I even have it in pocket! GRR How frustrating.
~It is time to exercise, and yet I have found another thing to distract me! I will continue to exercise, I will make it a part of my routine, and I will lose the weight!
~Speaking of weightloss, I'm really proud of myself. Since I started working at The Restaurant, I've LOST (NOT GAINED) 15 pounds. It could be better, but all 15 of those, are from just not being lazy. I can't believe it, I'm really excited to get moving on this! :)
~I can't believe that things in my life are turning way to be AMAZING! :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
I have had to make a few decisions lately, and it is getting really hard to listen to what my heart is saying.
Important Decision #1- What to do about the restaurant I work at. I had to decide whether I was going to continue to work there, and be an employee. I have upper management not giving a crap about the fact that I have worked my butt off while there in the last couple of weeks, and I still have until Thursday until I have a break. There are 3 owners, and one of them knew I was working 19 days in a row, and didn't say anything, just kind of kept to herself. One had no clue, he just kind of keeps to himself. And then there is the third, who has her own kind of personality and amusement. We have butt heads numerous times, and I have no desire to talk to her, if I don't have to. She was told straight-faced by me that I was working 17 days before I had a break (and it was actually 19) and she laughed at me, and then turned and walked away. I was so frustrated, all I wanted was a little bit of support, or even a thank you from any of the three... and I got nothing.
Important Decision #2- There is a school about an hour away from where I live that is hiring some elementary teachers. I need to make the decision on whether I want to drive an hour to work everyday. It is a very hard decision, and I have been tossing it around in my head for the last like 5 days. I know at this point that I need to do whatever it takes to get a teaching position. It is my PASSION! So I am going to give it a go. I actually made this decision with help from Boyfriend, and my family. It is a hard decision, and I truly hope that I am making the right decision.
Those are my ramblings for today!
Important Decision #1- What to do about the restaurant I work at. I had to decide whether I was going to continue to work there, and be an employee. I have upper management not giving a crap about the fact that I have worked my butt off while there in the last couple of weeks, and I still have until Thursday until I have a break. There are 3 owners, and one of them knew I was working 19 days in a row, and didn't say anything, just kind of kept to herself. One had no clue, he just kind of keeps to himself. And then there is the third, who has her own kind of personality and amusement. We have butt heads numerous times, and I have no desire to talk to her, if I don't have to. She was told straight-faced by me that I was working 17 days before I had a break (and it was actually 19) and she laughed at me, and then turned and walked away. I was so frustrated, all I wanted was a little bit of support, or even a thank you from any of the three... and I got nothing.
Important Decision #2- There is a school about an hour away from where I live that is hiring some elementary teachers. I need to make the decision on whether I want to drive an hour to work everyday. It is a very hard decision, and I have been tossing it around in my head for the last like 5 days. I know at this point that I need to do whatever it takes to get a teaching position. It is my PASSION! So I am going to give it a go. I actually made this decision with help from Boyfriend, and my family. It is a hard decision, and I truly hope that I am making the right decision.
Those are my ramblings for today!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Postsecret day!
I am going to post every Sunday about postsecret. I'm not going to do anything, other than post my favorite secret of the week.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day
I subbed yesterday at the school in the town I live in (Towner Public, is what I am going to name it). I was working with a bunch of obnoxious second graders, and then at 1:15 I went up into the high school, and subbed for a Spanish teacher while up there. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I was reminded yesterday that today is St. Patty's day, and I was bummed! Why you may ask, but don't worry I will explain.
They pinch you if you don't wear green! My golly gee, I wore my ONLY green sweater yesterday! So last night, boyfriend was going through my closet and looking for anything that happened to have green on it. I have one shirt that has green string knitting or crocheting or something on it... and then I have a spring one, that is brown and blue and a light lime green. So this morning, I chose the lime green. I was mad that I wore my sweater yesterday, but I could have been more mad if I hadn't worn green and those darn leprechauns would have pinched me!
They pinch you if you don't wear green! My golly gee, I wore my ONLY green sweater yesterday! So last night, boyfriend was going through my closet and looking for anything that happened to have green on it. I have one shirt that has green string knitting or crocheting or something on it... and then I have a spring one, that is brown and blue and a light lime green. So this morning, I chose the lime green. I was mad that I wore my sweater yesterday, but I could have been more mad if I hadn't worn green and those darn leprechauns would have pinched me!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Work, Work, and MORE WORK
I'm so tired of working all the time! I've work 45 hours in this past work week. I've figured out my last 3 weeks, and I've worked 26 of the last 30 days (2 day over 3 weeks). And I've figured out how many days I will work come not this weekend, but next. I will work 37 of 42 days. That's 6 week's time, and I will have worked more than 5 weeks. That's only 5 days off.... HOLY CRAP!
Now, I know I work in a restaurant, and it really isn't that hard of work, and I'm not necessarily complaining for any other reason than I want a day off (and I was scheduled 2 days off a week, but we have had some problems with a co-worker and no call no shows, so I've picked up her shifts, and the manager went to Vegas to get married, and took off/called to have people cover her shifts a couple weeks before the wedding). So I know that I am doing this to myself, but there are 4 employees at our restaurant... 1 thinks he is the manager (we will call him Wannabe), and will NOT pick up a shift unless he absolutely has to. One doesn't really care to pick up shifts (we will call her T-Tot, for reason's that I'm not sure what they are), and then when she does she gets yelled at at home because her boyfriend has to watch her kids while she is there, and doesn't have time to go look for a job. And the last one (M-Mom) has a 2 year old at home, and has to keep her in mind when she picks up shifts.
Now... All of these employees are great people to work with, I just wish that I didn't have to pick up the slack for everyone. Now Boyfriend doesn't care that I'm working all the time, he has plans this weekend anyways, and had plans last weekend too. And we also could use the extra money so I don't mind doing it, I just wish that someone else would pick up the slack. Now I complain lightly about having to pick up shifts, and do extra work, but I'm the one that has volunteered myself to do it. However, these other people are complaining, all but Wannabe, because they are picking up shifts. M-Mom and T-Tot have both only split an 8 hour shift amongst each other... and M-Mom came in last Saturday when No Show didn't call or let anyone know she wasn't coming to work, and I got a phone call from a community member telling me the restaurant was not open. So I made it an hour later than open time, and had a TON of work to do, all while being swamped. So M-Mom showed up and helped me with a lot of the prep work. However, she left at 11 am just before we got our weekend lunch rush.
I need to be done rambling on and on about this. I just have to put out there that I heard we were suppose to be getting some kind of a "thank you" for picking up hours, and making stuff work, and I better be getting a hell of a lot more than others, otherwise someone is going to hear the wrath of me!
Now, I know I work in a restaurant, and it really isn't that hard of work, and I'm not necessarily complaining for any other reason than I want a day off (and I was scheduled 2 days off a week, but we have had some problems with a co-worker and no call no shows, so I've picked up her shifts, and the manager went to Vegas to get married, and took off/called to have people cover her shifts a couple weeks before the wedding). So I know that I am doing this to myself, but there are 4 employees at our restaurant... 1 thinks he is the manager (we will call him Wannabe), and will NOT pick up a shift unless he absolutely has to. One doesn't really care to pick up shifts (we will call her T-Tot, for reason's that I'm not sure what they are), and then when she does she gets yelled at at home because her boyfriend has to watch her kids while she is there, and doesn't have time to go look for a job. And the last one (M-Mom) has a 2 year old at home, and has to keep her in mind when she picks up shifts.
Now... All of these employees are great people to work with, I just wish that I didn't have to pick up the slack for everyone. Now Boyfriend doesn't care that I'm working all the time, he has plans this weekend anyways, and had plans last weekend too. And we also could use the extra money so I don't mind doing it, I just wish that someone else would pick up the slack. Now I complain lightly about having to pick up shifts, and do extra work, but I'm the one that has volunteered myself to do it. However, these other people are complaining, all but Wannabe, because they are picking up shifts. M-Mom and T-Tot have both only split an 8 hour shift amongst each other... and M-Mom came in last Saturday when No Show didn't call or let anyone know she wasn't coming to work, and I got a phone call from a community member telling me the restaurant was not open. So I made it an hour later than open time, and had a TON of work to do, all while being swamped. So M-Mom showed up and helped me with a lot of the prep work. However, she left at 11 am just before we got our weekend lunch rush.
I need to be done rambling on and on about this. I just have to put out there that I heard we were suppose to be getting some kind of a "thank you" for picking up hours, and making stuff work, and I better be getting a hell of a lot more than others, otherwise someone is going to hear the wrath of me!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
So today is Tuesday, and here are my random Ramblings
~ How come when I exercise I feel energized, and feel like I'm doing a really good job, but then never want to do anything? Seriously, I don't understand it. I feel like I could walk/run and walk/run and never stop. But when I'm done I don't want to do anything. The dishes are piling up, and so is the laundry.
~Speaking of dishes and laundry, how come do I always feel like I'm the only one that ever does it. Boyfriend does it when he feels like it, even though he is home every night.
~Have I mentioned that I work pretty much every night of the week, and then sub during the day. Some days it feels like I am subbing 5 days a week, and some weeks it is just one day. It's frustrating to me to not know exactly what I am doing that day. And it always seems that if I make plans to do something one day, then I will certainly get a call from the school to come in and sub.
~As I'm typing this, I am also watching the Food Network channel. I could sit and watch this channel ALL DAY (and some days, I do). How come can I watch it, and not ever have my mouth water, or think of actually trying these recipes. The recipes sound good, but they always involve something that I don't like- beans, mushrooms, steaks, ham, pork of any kind (I'm OK with bacon, but not much else for pork).
~I am an extremely picky picky eater. Why? I don't understand. I am willing to try new things, but I continue to find them disgusting. Steak, something about the texture, and the way it feels just disgusts me. I like hamburger steaks, but I despise steak of any kind. Everyone keeps telling me that it is the way things are prepared, but I don't know if that is true. Mushrooms are slimy, and I don't like the way they feel, however if they are put into something, and I don't notice they are there, I have no problem with them. I also pick them out if I do notice them. Beans are also a texture thing, and possible a taste. Too pasty...? I don't know.
~Why am I sooo tired lately? It couldn't possibly be because I've worked every night the last week (with a full 7 day week this week, and a 5 day week next), worked 13 hours on Saturday, and Subbed every day last week, could it? I'm working myself to death, but it is something that I need to do. I drown in my student loan debt, plus other bills... life is CRAZY!!! Oh well I guess, your only young once, and hopefully this doesn't have to last for much longer.
~ How come when I exercise I feel energized, and feel like I'm doing a really good job, but then never want to do anything? Seriously, I don't understand it. I feel like I could walk/run and walk/run and never stop. But when I'm done I don't want to do anything. The dishes are piling up, and so is the laundry.
~Speaking of dishes and laundry, how come do I always feel like I'm the only one that ever does it. Boyfriend does it when he feels like it, even though he is home every night.
~Have I mentioned that I work pretty much every night of the week, and then sub during the day. Some days it feels like I am subbing 5 days a week, and some weeks it is just one day. It's frustrating to me to not know exactly what I am doing that day. And it always seems that if I make plans to do something one day, then I will certainly get a call from the school to come in and sub.
~As I'm typing this, I am also watching the Food Network channel. I could sit and watch this channel ALL DAY (and some days, I do). How come can I watch it, and not ever have my mouth water, or think of actually trying these recipes. The recipes sound good, but they always involve something that I don't like- beans, mushrooms, steaks, ham, pork of any kind (I'm OK with bacon, but not much else for pork).
~I am an extremely picky picky eater. Why? I don't understand. I am willing to try new things, but I continue to find them disgusting. Steak, something about the texture, and the way it feels just disgusts me. I like hamburger steaks, but I despise steak of any kind. Everyone keeps telling me that it is the way things are prepared, but I don't know if that is true. Mushrooms are slimy, and I don't like the way they feel, however if they are put into something, and I don't notice they are there, I have no problem with them. I also pick them out if I do notice them. Beans are also a texture thing, and possible a taste. Too pasty...? I don't know.
~Why am I sooo tired lately? It couldn't possibly be because I've worked every night the last week (with a full 7 day week this week, and a 5 day week next), worked 13 hours on Saturday, and Subbed every day last week, could it? I'm working myself to death, but it is something that I need to do. I drown in my student loan debt, plus other bills... life is CRAZY!!! Oh well I guess, your only young once, and hopefully this doesn't have to last for much longer.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I just want to point out that this is my first post. I have been part of blogger, and have had blogs off and on for a while now. I'm going to make this something that I am going to do on a regular (hopefully) basis, and am going to just ramble.
Most of you have heard of "Random Thoughts Tuesday" (RTT) well my blog will possibly be a lot like that. But instead of RTT it's going to be "Random Thoughts EVERYDAY"! Ok, so maybe I'm getting my hopes up, but I'm going to try to post as often as I can.
This will consist of the Good, the Bad, and even the UGLY. I will do movie reviews, book reviews, and random ramblings (like I'm doing now). I will talk a lot about my Kindle, Teaching, and work. I will also ramble a lot about my neice and nephews, my siblings, and my family. My boyfriend, myself, and anything/anyone else that I can ramble on about.
That is enough for now! Thanks for reading, and WELCOME!!!
Most of you have heard of "Random Thoughts Tuesday" (RTT) well my blog will possibly be a lot like that. But instead of RTT it's going to be "Random Thoughts EVERYDAY"! Ok, so maybe I'm getting my hopes up, but I'm going to try to post as often as I can.
This will consist of the Good, the Bad, and even the UGLY. I will do movie reviews, book reviews, and random ramblings (like I'm doing now). I will talk a lot about my Kindle, Teaching, and work. I will also ramble a lot about my neice and nephews, my siblings, and my family. My boyfriend, myself, and anything/anyone else that I can ramble on about.
That is enough for now! Thanks for reading, and WELCOME!!!
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