~I'm so happy and thrilled that Tyler FINALLY proposed to me! It was so totally unexpected!!! I'm in love with this boy, and I am NOT going to let ANYONE or ANYTHING change that.
~ How come on one of your most important days (getting engaged), people go crazy. Tyler and I have probably heard the comments, when, where, how long, about 5 billion times, and we can't decide on a day! GRRR
~There are conflicts every where I turn, and I keep getting drug down. BLAH
~Work has finally taken it's toll on me. I'm stressed every day, and I'm back to having to explain to co-workers, that you HAVE to do YOUR job, so I can get MY job done. I don't understand why people get this concept all mixed up and confused. At the Restuarant, we have lists for all shifts that need to be done before going home. Well most people enjoy marking that they did something without actually doing it. Now I'm the main closer, I close 5x a week. When your a closer, and have to do your own list (which by the way has 2x the amount of stuff on it then any other list) plus the lists of your coworkers, you tend not to get stuff done. I've gotten to the point where I don't get half the crap on my list done, because I have to do everyone else's job.
~Speaking of not getting done, my plan soon is to NOT do my job, AT ALL, and see how the opener likes it. However, usually after I close, it is either myself, or the manager that opens, and I don't think she would appreciate that very much. I, however, think it will be amazingly funny.
~I'm extremely excited to start planning and making wedding decisions and choices... it is just a matter of what, and where! AHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm soooo excited! :)
That is all for today, I'm extremely exhausted
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